We have so much to remember everyday. Did they take their two o'clock meds? Did they have their snack? Did they...? We are constantly trying to come up with new ways to ease our burdens and more importantly keeping an eye on the flow of the day. Post notes maybe great friends but they sometimes get lost in the process. Keeping a calendar is good but the problem is that it gets crowded with appointments.
Technology can be your best friend. Most phones have built-in alarms now regardless of the make or model. This is usually in the clock app. There are also other applications you can get that might be more easily accessible. Set your phone up for the same reminders every day to help your day move more easily. More importantly, you can even set their phone up for things you think they can do with the reminder. You can start out with one and then advance to two if you think they got it. Let them do it! This way you can relieve some stress off of you and focus on other more important things throughout the day.
*Caregiving 101: Advancing Caregivers and the Disability Community Forward.
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