As founder of Windows of Strength, Limited, the lyrics from the song, "My Wish", sung by the group Rascal Flatts, provided me with inspiration for the organization's name.
Though each line of this song has a special meaning, the one that shaped the name is explained by these words: "And if one door opens to another door closed I hope you keep on walking till you find the window."
Throughout the transplant process, a recipient endures set-backs, but remains strong and continues with hope. They keep on walkin' till they find the window. The window of strength that has been given to them by the gift of life provided by another individual's love and caring wish-organ donation.
My wish, as Founder of Windows of Strength, Limited, is to keep the recipients dreams big, their worries small and never want them to carry more than they can hold.
The Gift of Life is a TRUE GIFT that is LIFE GIVING by one and EMBRACED with LOVE and CARING by another.
Transplant recipients and their caregivers should not be faced with unpreventable costs due to their medical condition.
This is My Wish! What is yours? By listening to the song below, I hope you can feel the same passion as I do for this wonderful miracle and the circle of life gift, the selfless giving of organ donors and their families and the journey of transplant recipients and their caregivers.